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已发表的论文: (*通讯作者)   
112. Wang CH, Wang Y, Liang Q, Yang TJ, Li ZL*, Zhang YJ*. The complete chloroplast genome of Plagiorhegma dubia Maxim., a traditional Chinese medicinal herb. Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources, 2018, 3:112-114. 
111. Liu Y, Li D, Zhang Q, Song C, Zhong C, Zhang X, Wang Y, Yao X, Wang Z, Zeng S, Wang Y, Guo Y, Wang S, Li X, Li L, Liu C, McCann HC, He W, Niu Y, Chen M, Du L, Gong J, Datson PM, Hilario E, Huang H. Rapid radiations of both kiwifruit hybrid lineages and their parents shed light on a two-layer mode of species diversification. New Phytologist, 2017, 215: 877–890 
110. Liu Y, Song Y, Zeng S, Patra P, Yuan L, Wang Y*. Isolation and characterization of salt stress-responsive gene Betaine Aldehyde Dehydrogenase in Lycium ruthenicum Murr. Physiologia Plantarum. In Press. 
109. Song W, Qiao X, Chen K, Wang Y, Ji S, Feng J, Li K, Lin Y, Ye M: Biosynthesis-Based Quantitative Analysis of 151 Secondary Metabolites of Licorice To Differentiate Medicinal Glycyrrhiza Species and Their Hybrids. Anal. Chem., 2017, 89 (5):3146–3153. (IF=6.32, 4/76 in CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL 
108. Lei C, Wang Y, Dong JZ: Potentilla tuberculifera, a new species of Rosaceae from Hubei, China. Novon. 25(2):158-161. 
107. Shi ZS, Zhu LH, Li TT, Zeng L, Xiang YH, Han XJ, Xia LX, Tang XY, Nie JH, Huang YX, So KF*, Wang Y, Tsang CK, Lei ZG, Xu ZC, Ruan YW*: Neuroprotective mechanisms of Lycium barbarum polysaccharides against ischemic insults by regulating NR2B and NR2A containing NMDA receptor signaling pathways. Front. Cell. Neurosci. 11:284. 
106. Kim K, Nguyen VB, Dong JZ, Wang Y, Park JY, Lee SC, and Yang TJ: Evolution of the Araliaceae family inferred from complete chloroplast genomes and 45S nrDNAs of 10 Panax-related species. Scientific Report. 2017,7(1):4917.  
105. Huang W, Lv H, Wang Y*. Functional characterization of a novel R2R3-MYB transcription factor modulating the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway from Epimedium sagittatum. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8:1274 
104. Singh SK, Wu Y, Ghosh JS, Pattanaik S, Fisher C, Wang Y, Lawson D, Yuan L: RNA-sequencing reveals global transcriptomic changes in Nicotiana tabacum responding to topping and treatment of axillary-shoot control chemicals. Scientific reports. 2015, 5:18148. 
103. Ouyang PY, Liu YL, Wang Y, Mo XL* , Zeng SH*: Aging and/or tissue-specific regulation of patchoulol and pogostone in two Pogostemon cablin (Blanco) Benth. Cultivars. Physiologia Plantarum. 2016,158(3):272-283. 
102. Yang L, Chen J, Hu W, Yang T, Zhang Y, Yukiyoshi T, Zhou Y, Wang Y*. Population genetic structure of Glycyrrhiza inflata B. (Fabaceae) is shaped by habitat fragmentation, water resources and biological characteristics. PLoS ONE, 2016, 11: e0164129. 
101. Huang WJ, Khaldun ABM, Lv H, Du LW, Zhang CJ, Wang Y*. Isolation and functional characterization of a R2R3-MYB regulator of the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway from Epimedium sagittatum. Plant Cell Reports 2016, 35:883-894 
100. Huang WJ, Khaldun ABM, Chen J, Zhang C, Lv H, Yuan L and Wang Y*. A R2R3-MYB transcription factor regulates the flavonol biosynthetic pathway in a traditional Chinese medicinal plant, Epimedium sagittatum. Frontiers in Plant Science 2016, 7:1089 
99. Liang Q, Zhang YJ, Chen, JJ, Huang HW, Wang Y*. Quality variation of ten geographic populations of Epimedium sagittatum as evaluated in common garden practice. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 2016, 63: 733-743.  
98. Khaldun ABM, Huang W, Lv H, Liao S, Zeng S Wang Y*,Comparative profiling of miRNAs and target gene identification in distant-grafting between tomato and Lycium (Goji Berry). Frontiers in Plant Science 2016, 7:1475  
97. Zhang Y, Zhang S, Dang H, Zheng B, Li J*, Wang Y*: Epimedium xichangense (Berberidaceae), a new species from Sichuan, China. Phytotaxa 2016, 263: 286-290 
96. Zhang Y, Du L, Liu A, Chen J, Wu L, Hu W, Zhang W, Kim K, Lee S, Yang TJ*, Wang Y*: The complete chloroplast genome sequences of five Epimedium species: lights into phylogenetic and taxonomic analyses. Frontiers in Plant Science 2016, 7:306 
95. Yuan YF, Wang YB, Jiang YM, Nagendr Prasad K, Yang JL, Qu HX, Wang Y, Jia YX, Mo H, Yang B*: Structure identification of a polysaccharide purified from Lycium barbarium fruit, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2016, 82: 696-701 
94. Huang WJ, Liao SH, Lv HY, Khaldun A. B. M, Wang Y*:Characterization of the growth and fruit quality of tomato grafted on a woody medicinal plant, Lycium chinense, Scientia Horticulturae. 2015, 197: 447-453 
93. Wang YS, Shahid M.Q., Ghouri F, Baloch F. S., Wang Y*, Huang HW: Evaluation of the geographical pattern of genetic diversity of Glycine soja and Glycine max based on four single copy nuclear gene loci: For conservation of soybean germplasm, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 2015, 62: 229-235 
92. Li WB, Liu YF, Zeng SH, Xiao G, Wang G, Wang Y*, Peng M*, Huang HW *: Gene Expression Profiling of Development and Anthocyanin Accumulation in Kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis) Based on Transcriptome Sequencing, PLoS ONE. 2015, 10(8): 1-19 
91. Yousaf Z*, Hu WM, Zhang YJ, Zeng SH, Wang Y: Systematic validation of medicinally important genus epimedium species based onmicrosatellite markers, Pakistan Journal of Botany. 2015, 47(2): 477-484 
90. Zhang YJ, Dang HS, Li JQ*, Wang Y*: Taxonomic notes on three species of Epimedium (Berberidaceae) endemic to China. Phytotaxa. 2015, 204 (2): 147–152 
89. Huang WJ, Zeng SH, Xiao G, ,Liao S, Chen J, Sun W, Lv H, Wang Y*: Elucidating the biosynthetic and regulatory mechanisms of flavonoid-derived bioactive components in Epimedium sagittatum. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2015, 6:689.
88. Zeng SH, Liu YL, Pan LZ, Hayward A, Wang Y*: Identification and characterization of miRNAs in ripening fruit of Lycium barbarum L. using high-throughput sequencing. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2015, 6: 778
87. Wu PZ, Zhou CP, Cheng SF…Wang Y…Chen F*, Wang J*, Wu GJ*: Integrated genome sequence and linkage map of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.), a biodiesel plant. Plant Journal. 2015,81(5):810-21 
86. Wang YS, Shahid MQ, Huang HW*, Wang Y*: Nucleotide diversity patterns of three divergent soybean populations: evidences for population-dependent linkage disequilibrium and taxonomic status of Glycine gracilis. Ecology and Evolution. 2015, 5(18): 3969-3978 
85. Hu WM, Wang SW,Jian SG, Wang Y*: Discovery and comparative assessment of SNPs and SSRs for genetic diversity analysis of wild Heritiera littoralis Dryand (Sterculiaceae), an endangered mangrove tree species.Conservation Genetics Resources. 2015, 7(3): 663-668 
84. Zhang YJ,Dang HS,Li SY, Li JQ, Wang Y*: Five new synonyms in Epimedium (Berberidaceae) from China. PhytoKeys. 2015,  (49): 1–12. 
83. Chen JJ, Xu YQ, Wei GY, Liao SH, Zhang YJ, Huang WJ, Yuan L, Wang Y*:   Chemotypic and genetic diversity in Epimedium sagittatum from different geographical regions of China.Phytochemistry . 2015, 116(8): 180-187 
82. Yousaf Z*, Hu WM, Zhang YJ, Zeng SH, Wang Y: Exploration of genetic diversity among medicinally important genus Epimedium species based on genomic and EST-SSR marker. Natural Product Research. 2015, 29(11): 1020-1025. 
81. Dong JZ*,  Lei C, Lu DY, Wang Y*: Direct biotransformation of dioscin into diosgenin in rhizome of Dioscorea zingiberensis by Penicillium dioscin. Indian Journal of Microbiology. 2015, 55(2) :200-206 
80.  Zeng SH, Ouyang P, Mo S, Wang Y*: Characterization of genes coding phenylalanine ammonia lyase and chalcone synthase in four Pogostemon cablin cultivars. Biologia Plantarum. 2015, 59(2): 298-304. 
79.  Khaldun ABM, Huang W, Liao S, Lv H, Wang Y*: Identification of microRNAs and target genes in the fruit and shoot tip of Lycium chinense: a traditional Chinese medicinal plant. PLoS ONE. 2015, 10(1): e0116334. 
78.  Zheng XJ, Xiao H, Zeng Z, Sun ZW, Lei C, Dong JZ*, Wang Y*: Composition and serum antioxidation of the main flavonoids from fermented vine tea(Ampelopsis grossedentata), Journal of Functional Foods. 2014, 9: 290-294. 
77.  Zhang YJ, Dang HS, Li JQ, Wang Y*: The Epimedium wushanense (Berberidaceae) species complex, with one new species from Sichuan, China. Phytotaxa. 2014, 172(1):39-45. 
76.  Zeng SH, Wu M, Zou CY, Liu XM, Shen XF, Hayward A, Liu CZ, Wang Y*: Comparative analysis of anthocyanin biosynthesis during fruit development in two Lycium species. Physiologia Plantarum. 2014, 150(4):505-516. 
75.  Zeng SH, Liu YL, Wu M, Liu XM, Shen XF, Liu CZ, Wang Y*: Identification and validation of reference genes for quantitative real-time PCR normalization and its applications in Lycium. PLoS ONE. 2014, 9(5): e97039. 
74.  Zhang YJ, Yang LL, Chen JJ, Sun W, Wang Y*: Taxonomic and phylogenetic analysis of Epimedium L. based on amplified fragment length polymorphisms. Scientia Horticulturae. 2014, 170:284-292. 
73.  Wang WQ, Feng BX, Xiao JF, Xia Z,Q Zhou XC, Li PH, Zhang WX, Wang Y, Moller BL, Zhang P,…Li KM(*),  Peng M(*) : Cassava genome from a wild ancestor to cultivated varieties. Nature Communications. 2014, 5:5110.
72.  Sun W, Huang WJ, Li ZN, Song C, Liu D, Liu YL, Hayward A, Liu YF, Huang HW, Wang Y*: Functional and evolutionary analysis of the AP1/SEP/AGL6 superclade of MADS-box genes in the basal eudicot Epimedium sagittatum. Annals of Botany. 2014, 113(4):653-668. 
71.  Shen XF, Zeng SH, Wu M, Liu CZ, Wang Y*: Characterization of proanthocyaninrelated leucoanthocyanidin reductase and anthocyanidin reductase genes in Lycium ruthenicum Murr. Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2014, 23(6):369-377. 
70.  Liu YL, Sun W, Zeng SH, Huang WJ, Di Liu D, Hu WM, Shen XF, Wang Y*: Virus-induced gene silencing in two novel functional plants, Lycium barbarum L. and Lycium ruthenicum Murr. Scientia Horticulturae. 2014, 170:267-274. 
69.  Liu YL, Zeng SH, Sun W, Wu M, Hu WM, Shen XF, Wang Y*: Comparative analysis of carotenoid accumulation in two Goji (Lycium barbarum L. and L. ruthenicum Murr.) BMC Plant Biology. 2014, 14:269. 
68.  Liu D, Sun W, Yuan YW, Zhang N, Hayward A, Liu YL, Wang Y*: Phylogenetic analyses provide the first insights into the evolution of OVATE family proteins in land plants. Annals of Botany. 2014, 113(7):1219-1233. 
67.  Lei C, Ma Q, Tang QY, Ai XR, Zhou Z, Yao L, Wang Y, Wang Q, Dong JZ*: Sodium selenite regulates phenolics accumulation and tuber development of purple potatoes. Scientia Horticulturae. 2014, 165:142-147. 
66.  Zhang HF, Zhang X, Yang XH*, Qiu NX, Wang Y, Wang ZZ*: Microwave assisted extraction of flavonoids from cultivated Epimedium sagittatum: extraction yield and mechanism, antioxidant activity and chemical composition. Industrial Crops and Products. 2013, 50:857-865. 
65.  Zeng SH, Liu YL, Zou CY, Huang WJ, Wang Y*: Cloning and characterization of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase in medicinal Epimedium species. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture. 2013, 113(2):257-267. 
64.  Zeng SH, Liu YL, Wang Y*: Light stress suppresses the accumulation of epimedins A, B, C, and icariin in Epimedium, a traditional medicinal plant. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 2013, 35(11):3271-3275. 
63.  Zeng SH, Liu YL, Hu WM, Liu YL, Shen XF, Wang Y*: Integrated transcriptional and phytochemical analyses of the flavonoid biosynthesis pathway in Epimedium. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture. 2013, 115(3):355-365. 
62.   Yousaf Z*, Wang Y, Baydoun E:Phytochemistry and pharmacological studies on Solanum torvum Swartz. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2013,3(4):152-160. 
61.  Xu YQ, Li ZZ, Yuan L, Zhang XJ, Lu DY, Huang HW, Wang Y*: Variation of epimedins A, B, C and Icariin in Ten Representative Populations of Epimedium brevicornu Maxim., and Implications for Utilization. Chemistry & Biodiversity. 2013, 10(4):711-721. 
60.  Sun W, Huang WJ, Li ZN, Lv HY, Huang HW, Wang Y*: Characterization of a crabs claw gene in basal eudicot species Epimedium sagittatum (Berberidaceae). International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2013, 14(1):1119-1131. 
59.  Liu D, Zeng SH, Chen JJ, Zhang YJ, Xiao G, Zhu LY, Wang Y*: First insights into the large genome of Epimedium sagittatum (sieb. Et zucc) maxim, a Chinese traditional medicinal plant. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2013, 14(7):13559-13576. 
58.  Huang WJ, Sun W, Lv HY, Xiao G, Zeng SH, Wang Y*: Isolation and molecular characterization of thirteen R2R3-MYB transcription factors from Epimedium sagittatum. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2013, 14(1):594-610. 
57.  Huang WJ, Sun W, Lv HY, Luo M, Zeng SH, Pattanaik S, Yuan L, Wang Y*: A R2R3-MYB transcription factor from Epimedium sagittatum regulates the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway. PLoS ONE. 2013, 8(8): e70778. 
56.  Dong JZ*, Wang Y, Wang SH, Yin LP, Xu GJ, Zheng C, Lei C, Zhang MZ: Selenium increases chlorogenic acid, chlorophyll and carotenoids of Lycium chinense leaves. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2013, 93(2):310-315. 
55.  Dong JZ, Wang SH, Ai XR, Yao L, Sun ZW, Lei C, Wang Y*, Wang Q*: Composition and characterization of cordyxanthins from Cordyceps militaris fruit bodies. Journal of Functional Foods. 2013, 5(3):1450-1455. 
54.  Dong JZ, Lei C, Zheng XJ, Ai XR, Wang Y, Wang Q*: Light wavelengths regulate growth and active components of Cordyceps militaris fruit bodies. Journal of Food Biochemistry. 2013, 37(5):578-584. 
53.  Dong JZ, Ding J, Yu PZ, Lei C, Zheng XJ, Wang Y*: Composition and distribution of the main active components in selenium-enriched fruit bodies of Cordyceps militaris link. Food Chemistry. 2013, 137(1-4):164-167. 
52.  Chen JJ, Liu XL, Zhu LY, Wang Y*: Nuclear genome size estimation and karyotype analysis of Lycium species (Solanaceae). Scientia Horticulturae. 2013, 151:46-50. 
51. Zhao Y, Sun W, Wang Y: Saxena P K., Liu CZ*. Improved mass multiplication of Rhodiola crenulata shoots using temporary immersion bioreactor with forced ventilation. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2012,166: 1480-1490. 
50.  Zhou Y, Yau YY, Ow DW*, Wang Y*: Site-specific deletions in the tomato genome by the CinH-RS2 and ParA-MRS recombination systems. Plant Biotechnology Reports. 2012, 6(3):225-232. 
49.  Yousaf Z*, Umer A, Younas A, Khan F, Wang Y: Allelopathic Plants: 24. Genus Allium L. Allelopathy Journal. 2012, 29(1):1-12. 
48.  Song C, Guo J, Sun W, Wang Y*: Whole genome duplication of intra- and inter-chromosomes in the tomato genome. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 2012, 39(7):361-368. 
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46.  Liang Q, Wei GY, Chen JJ, Wang Y*, Huang HW*: Variation of medicinal components in a unique geographical accession of Horny Goat weed Epimedium sagittatum maxim. (Berberidaceae). Molecules. 2012, 17(11):13345-13356. 
45.  Dong JZ, Wang SH, Zhu LY, Wang Y*: Analysis on the main active components of Lycium barbarum fruits and related environmental factors. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 2012, 6(12):2276-2283. 
44.  Huang WJ, Sun W, Wang Y*: Isolation and molecular characterisation of flavonoid 3 '-hydroxylase and flavonoid 3 ', 5 '-hydroxylase genes from a traditional Chinese medicinal plant, Epimedium sagittatum. Gene. 2012, 497(1):125-130. 
43.  Guo J, Liu YF, Wang YS, Chen JJ, Li YH, Huang HW, Qiu LJ, Wang Y*: Population structure of the wild soybean (Glycine soja) in China: implications from microsatellite analyses. Annals of Botany. 2012, 110(4):777-785. 
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40.  Chen JJ, Li LJ, Wang Y*: Diversity of genome size and Ty1-copia in Epimedium species used for traditional Chinese medicines. Hortscience. 2012, 47(8):979-984. 
39. Zeng SH, Xu YQ,Wang Y*:Isolation and characterization of two MADS-box 1 genes from Lycium barbarum L. Biologia Plantarum. 2011,55 (3): 567-571 
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37.  Lei C, Zhang CC, Wang Y, Dong JZ*: Duchesnea brunneus, a new species of Rosaceae from hubei, China. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy. 2011, 18(2):159-162. 
36.  Fu J, Xiang QY, Zeng XB, Yang M, Wang Y, Liu YL*: Assessment of the genetic diversity and population structure of lotus cultivars grown in China by amplified fragment length polymorphism. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 2011, 136(5):339-349.
35.  Dong JZ, Wang ZC, Wang Y*: Rapid extraction of polysaccharides from fruits of Lycium barbarum L. Journal of Food Biochemistry. 2011, 35(4):1047-1057. 
34.  Dong JZ, Gao WS, Lu DY, Wang Y*: Simultaneous extraction and analysis of four polyphenols from leaves of Lycium barbarum L. Journal of Food Biochemistry. 2011, 35(3):914-931. 
33.  Zeng SH, Xiao G, Guo J, Fei ZJ, Xu YQ, Roe BA, Wang Y*: Development of a EST dataset and characterization of EST-SSRs in a traditional Chinese medicinal plant, Epimedium sagittatum (Sieb. Et Zucc.) Maxim. BMC Genomics. 2010, 11(94):1471-2164. 
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26.  Xu YQ, Li ZZ, Wang Y*: Fourteen microsatellite loci for the Chinese medicinal plant Epimedium sagittatum and cross-species application in other medicinal species. Molecular Ecology Resources. 2008, 8(3):640-642. 
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22.  Bielenberg DG, Wang Y, Li ZG, Zhebentyayeva T, Fan SH, Reighard GL, Scorza R, Abbott AG: Sequencing and annotation of the evergrowing locus in peach Prunus persica (L.) Batsch reveals a cluster of six MADS-box transcription factors as candidate genes for regulation of terminal bud formation. Tree Genetics & Genomes. 2008, 4(3):495-507. 
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46. 李重,胡伟明,杨天顺,潘丽珠,胡忠庆,陈立松,王瑛*. 用于枸杞品种鉴定的多重EST-SSR标记的建立. 分子植物育种,2017, 15:4066-4070. 
45. 肖佳,高昊,周正群,王瑛,姚新生,苏国辉*: 枸杞属中枸杞红素类成分研究进展. 科学通报, 2017,(16):1691-1698. (IF=1.638, 被引次数0) 
44. 李重,杨天顺,张盛,陈清平,王瑛* ,陈立松* 宁夏枸杞‘中科绿川1 号’果实和叶片的主要成分分析. 植物科学学报2016,34: 807-813 
43. 杨天顺, 董静洲, 岳建林, 王瑛*, 枸杞新品种‘中科绿川1号’, 园艺学报. 2015, 42(12):2257-2258. 
42. 杨天顺, 张建忠, 李重, 王瑛*, 枸杞硬枝黑白双层膜扦插育苗技术及其应用, 北方园艺. 2015,(14):156-159.
41. 薛定磊, 曾少华, 王瑛*, 黑果枸杞和宁夏枸杞FT(Flowering LocusT)基因的克隆及表达分析, 基因组学与应用生物学.2015, 34(03):565-570.
40. 王瑛*, 王庆, 梁琼: 功能蔬菜的发掘和利用. 生命科学, 2015, 27(08):1-7.
39.  邹彩云, 刘永亮, 曾少华, 黎云祥*, 王瑛*: 宁夏枸杞苯丙氨酸解氨酶基因的cDNA克隆及其表达分析. 热带亚热带植物学报, 2014, 22(02):155-164. 
38.  赵志远, 周谟兵, 宋奎林, 李爱成, 林旭, 王瑛, 孙玉宏: 益气参工厂化育苗技术. 湖北农业科学, 2014, 53(12)
37.  沈笑飞, 刘永亮, 王瑛*, 曾少华: 黑果枸杞和宁夏枸杞中黄酮醇合酶基因的克隆及表达分析. 基因组学与应用生物学, 2014, 33(03):591-597.
36.  欧阳蒲月, 刘永亮, 王瑛, 严振*: 广藿香α-淀粉酶PcAMY1基因克隆和序列分析. 热带作物学报, 2014, 35(04):746-752.
35. 王应丽, 黄文俊, 王瑛*:箭叶淫羊藿EsUF3GT基因的克隆及表达分析.植物科学学报, 2014, 32(06):602-611 
34.  张燕君, 党海山, 杨路路, 魏国燕, 王瑛*: 药用植物三叶木通(Akebia trifoliata subsp.trifoliata)野生资源的地理分布与调查. 中国野生植物资源, 2013, 32(03):58-62. 
33.  杨路路, 陈建军, 杨天顺, 李重, 胡伟明, 王瑛*: 我国西北地区药用植物甘草(Glycyrrhiza uralensis)野生资源的地理分布与调查. 中国野生植物资源 , 2013, 32(05):27-31. 
32.  徐艳琴, 蔡婉珍, 胡生福, 黄小虎, 葛菲, 王瑛*: 箭叶淫羊藿同质园栽培居群非腺毛多样性及其分类学启示. 生物多样性, 2013, 21(02):185-196. 
31.  欧阳蒲月, 沈笑飞, 曾少华, 王瑛*, 莫小路*: 广藿香八氢番茄红素脱氢酶PcPDS1基因克隆和序列分析. 中草药, 2013, 44(17):2446-2452. 
30.  廖思红, 陈建军, 王瑛*: 偏斜淫羊藿化学成分研究. 植物科学学报, 2013, 31(04):385-390.
29.  梁琼, 张燕君, 徐艳琴, 黄宏文*, 王瑛*: 箭叶淫羊藿居群形态及遗传多样性比较研究. 植物科学学报, 2013, 31(04):422-427.
28. 赵艳芬, 潘伯荣, 童莉, 王瑛, 田村幸吉: 3种甘草种子苗和根茎苗在同一生境下的生长差异.中国园艺文摘, 2013,  (12):5-7+40.
27.  魏国燕, 陈建军, 廖思红, 王瑛*: 光照对淫羊藿活性成分生物合成的影响. 植物科学学报, 2012, 30(04):415-422.
26.  刘谊兰, 曾少华, 王瑛*: 淫羊藿属植物查耳酮合成酶启动子序列的克隆及比较分析. 热带亚热带植物学报, 2011, 19(06):499-505.
25.  曾丽萍, 刘谊兰, 王瑛*: 淫羊藿叶片中类胡萝卜素的提取分析研究. 时珍国医国药, 2011, 22(02):319-321. 
24.  闫秀梅, 董静洲, 王瑛*: 枸杞和宁夏枸杞叶片主要活性成分含量比较研究. 食品科学, 2010, 31(01):29-32. 
23.  徐艳琴, 陈建军, 葛菲, 刘小丽, 王瑛*: 淫羊藿药材质量评价研究现状与思考. 中草药, 2010, 41(04):661-666. 
22.  宋驰, 王瑛*: 番茄和桃基因组的微同线性研究. 遗传, 2010, 32(09):966-973. 
21.  黄文俊, 王瑛*: 一种高效低背景T载体的构建. 中国生物工程杂志, 2010, 30(12):60-65. 
20.  葛静, 宋驰, 卢辰, 王瑛*: 检测番茄BAC序列中paralogs的blastn参数研究. 武汉植物学研究, 2009, 27(02):211-215. 
19.  高翔, 张华峰, 卢大炎, 王瑛*: 淫羊藿属植物中黄酮苷含量与叶片形态的相关性研究. 武汉植物学研究, 2009, 27(02):184-187. 
18.  董静洲, 王瑛*: 宁夏枸杞主要产区枸杞子总黄酮的测定与分析研究. 食品研究与开发, 2009, 30(01):36-40. 
17.  陈建军, 王瑛*: 植物基因组大小进化的研究进展. 遗传, 2009, 31(05):464-470. 
16.  曾少华, 刘迪, 王瑛*: 植物基因富集研究进展. 遗传, 2009, 31(08):799-808. 
15.  张华峰, 杨晓华, 郭玉蓉, 王瑛*: 药用植物淫羊藿资源可持续利用现状与展望. 植物学报 2009(03):363-370. 
14. 董静洲, 杨峻军, 王瑛*:我国枸杞属物种资源及国内外研究进展.中国中药杂志, 2008, 33(18):2020-2027 
13.  周银, 王跃驹, 王瑛*: 新型定点重组酶系统在植物基因转化和基因叠加中的应用前景. 遗传, 2008, 30(02):149-154. 
12.  杨晓华, 张华峰, 王瑛*: 淫羊藿多糖的功能、提取与开发前景. 中国食品添加剂 2008(S1):184-187. 
11.  徐艳琴, 李作洲, 张学军, 陈建军, 周建峰, 王瑛*: 三种药用淫羊藿的地理分布与资源调查. 武汉植物学研究, 2008, 26(01):91-98. 
10.  王云生, 黄宏文, 王瑛*: 作物驯化的遗传学研究及其在大豆育种中的应用. 植物学通报, 2008, 25(02):221-229. 
9.    任璘, 戴思兰, 王瑛*: 淫羊藿属植物种质资源及其园林应用. 武汉植物学研究, 2008, 26(06):644-649. 
8.    罗艳, 王瑛*: 茄子SmU2AF65基因的可变剪接. 遗传, 2008, 30(11):1499-1505. 
7.    赵丽东, 张华峰, 董静洲, 王瑛*: 淫羊藿苷的超声波强化提取及其稳定性初探. 西北农业学报, 2007, 16(06):285-288. 
6.    张华峰, 高翔, 卢大炎, 王瑛*: HPLC法同时测定淫羊藿中朝藿定A、B、C与淫羊藿苷的含量. 分析测试学报, 2007, 26(02):198-201. 
5.    王云生, 黄宏文*, 王瑛*: 植物分子群体遗传学研究动态. 遗传, 2007, 29(10):1191-1198.
4.    桂蓓, 王瑛*: 烟草ovate同源基因的全长cDNA克隆与序列分析. 植物生理学通讯, 2007, 43(06):1050-1056. 
3.    张华峰, 王瑛*, 黄宏文*: 黄酮类化合物生物合成途径的进化及其在淫羊藿中的研究展望. 中草药, 2006, 37(11):1745-1751. 
2.    李作洲, 徐艳琴, 王瑛*, 黄宏文*: 淫羊藿属药用植物的研究现状与展望. 中草药, 2005, 36(02):289-295. 
1.    李作洲, 龚俊杰, 王瑛, 黄宏文*: 水杉孑遗居群AFLP遗传变异的空间分布. 生物多样性, 2003, 11(04):265-275.