2018年08月--- 至今 中国科学院华南植物园,副研究员
2008年04月---2018年07月 中国科学院华南植物园,助理研究员
2005年03月---2008年03月 国际热带农业研究中心(CIAT),博士后
2000年09月---2003年06月 中国科学院研究生院,植物学专业,博士研究生
1999年02月---2000年08月 中国科学院华南植物园,助理研究员
1994年09月---1997年06月 兰州大学生物系,细胞生物学专业,硕士研究生
1988年09月---1992年06月 江苏师范大学生物系,生物专业,大学本科
3.国际合作项目,比尔盖茨和梅琳达基金BGMF OPPGD1483,Double haploid breeding for cassava enhancement,负责人。
1. Kangjia Li, Changhu Wang*, David Ow* 2022. Root microbiome changes associated with cadmium exposure and/or overexpression of a transgene that reduces Cd content in rice. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 237: 113530.
2. Dingwang Lai, Xiuting Huang, Changhu Wang*, David Ow*. 2021. Arabidopsis OXIDATIVE STRESS 3 enhances stress tolerance in Schizosaccharomyces pombe by promoting histone subunit replacement that upregulates drug-resistant genes. Geneics, 219 (3): 1-13.
3. Shimin Xiao, Li Jiang, Changhu Wang*, David Ow*. 2021. Arabidopsis OXS3 family proteins repress ABA signaling through interactions with AFP1 in the regulation of ABI4 expression. Journal of Experimental Botany, 72 (15): 5721–5734.
4. Xingzhe Cai, Meng Wang, Yucong Jiang, Changhu Wang*, David Ow*. 2021. Overexpression of OsABCG48 lowers cadmium in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Agronomy, 11:918.
5. Shimin Xiao, Li Jiang, Changhu Wang*, David Ow*. 2020. SnRK1 regulates chromatin-associated OXS3 family proteins localization through phosphorylation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 533(3):526-532.
6. Changhu Wang, Weili Guo, Xingzhe Cai, Ruyu Li, David Ow*. 2019. Engineering low-cadmium rice through stress-inducible expression of OXS3-family member genes. New Biotechnology,48:29-34.
7. Changhu Wang, Weili Guo, Shan Ye, Pengcheng Wei, David Ow*. 2016. Reduction of Cd in rice through expression of OXS3-like gene fragments. Molecular Plant, 9:301-304.
8. Changhu Wang, Lentini Z, Tabares E, Quintero M, Ceballos H*, Dedicova B, Sautter C, Olaya C, Zhang P. 2011. Microsporogenesis and pollen formation in cassava. Biologia Plantarum, 55(3):469-478.
9. Changhu Wang, Peng Zhang, Zhenrong Ma, Mingyong Zhang, Guchou Sun, Dinghou Ling*. 2005. Development of a genetic marker linked to a new thermo-sensitive male sterile gene in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Euphytica, 140 (3):217-222.
10. Guozhang Kang, Changhu Wang, Guchou Sun, Zhengxun Wang*. 2003. Salicylic acid changes activities of H2O2-metabolizing enzymes and increases the chilling-tolerance of banana seedlings. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 50:9-15.