Details of the Faculty or staff Name | Wu,Guojiang | Email | |  | Post | Director of Energy Plant Lab | Job Title | Professor | Highest Education | Ph.D | Office | South China Botanical Garden, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Xingke Road #723, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510650, China | Tel: | 8620-37252703 | Zip code | 510650 | Academic Education & Work Career | Dr. Wu (Guojiang Wu) 1984 Eight-one College of Agriculture, XinJiang, Awarded the degree of B.S in ecology; 1994 Nagoya University, Awarded the degree of M.S in plant molecular biology; 1997 University of Tokyo, Awarded the degree of Ph.D in plant molecular biology; 1988-1990: guest researcher in Faculty of Agriculture, Meiji University; 1997- researcher at University of Tokyo and Institute of Agricultural Biological resources, Japan; 2004- South China Botanical Garden of CAS, Professor. | Research Interest | | Supported Projects | 1. The Key Innovation Programs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences"Screening and evaluation of energy plants and the key technology research of large-scale cultivation of Jatropha curcas" 2. Hi-Tech Research and Development Program of China (863 Program)" Research on the molecular biochemical mechanisms of chlorophyll degradation-related genes SG and the relevance of the course reaction" 3. The NSFC-Guangdong Joint Fund of Natural Sciences "Research on the mechanism and molecular improve of lipid Synthesis" 4. The work of special scientific and technological base of Ministry of Science and Technology "investigation, collection and preservation of Non-food oil energy plants and related microbial resources" 5. The Key Innovation Programs of the Chinese Academy of Sciences "Research on the mechanism of the formation of important traits and creation of new germplasm" | | Honors: | Outstanding teachers of education base in Guangzhou in 2008 | | Publication | -
YP Chen, SM Xu, L Tian, LR Liu, MC Huang, XL Xu, GY Song, PZ Wu, SS Sato, HW Jiang, GJ Wu#. The LjLAZY3 gene plays a distinct role in the positive root gravitropism in Lotus japonicus. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2019, erz429, -
YH Yin, L Tian, XL Li, MC Huang, LR Liu, PZ Wu, MR Li, HW Jiang, GJ Wu, YP Chen#. The role of endogenous thiamine produced via THIC in root nodule symbiosis in Lotus japonicus. Plant Science. 2019, 283:311-320. -
Hui WK, Wang Y, Chen XY*, Mohamed ZZ and Wu GJ* Analysis of Transcriptional Responses of the Inflorescence Meristems in Jatropha curcasFollowing Gibberellin Treatment Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 432; -
Chen, YB, Wu, PZ , Zhao, QQ , Tang, YH, Chen, YP , Li, MR, Jiang, HW and Wu, GJ* Overexpression of a Phosphate Starvation Response AP2/ERF Gene From Physic Nut in Arabidopsis Alters Root Morphological Traits and Phosphate Starvation-Induced Anthocyanin Accumulation 2018 FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 9 No: 1186 -
Xiong, WD, Fu, JY, Kollner, TG, Chen, XL, Jia, QD, Qian, P, Guo, H, Wu, GJ, Chen, F. Biochemical characterization of microbial type terpene synthases in two closely related species of hornworts, Anthoceros punctatus and Anthoceros agrestis PHYTOCHEMISTRY 2018 149 116-122 -
Chen Y, Li F, Tian L, Huang M, Deng R, Li X, Chen W, Wu P, Li M, Jiang H, Wu G*. 2017. The phenylalanine ammonia lyase gene ljpal1 is involved in plant defense responses to pathogens and plays diverse roles in Lotus japonicus-Rhizobium symbioses. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 30(9):739-753 -
Lin Q, Zhou Z, Luo W, Fang M, Li M *, Li H*. 2017. Screening of proximal and interacting proteins in rice protoplasts by proximity-dependent biotinylation. Front Plant Sci. 8: 749. -
Hui W, YangY, Wu G, Peng C, Chen X*,Mohamed Zaky Zayed Transcriptome profile analysis reveals the regulation mechanism of floral sex differentiation in Jatropha curcas L SCIENTIFIC Reports 7: 16421 DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-16545-5. -
Li MR., Li XX., Zhou ZJ., Wu PZ., Fang MC., Pan XP., Lin QP., Luo WB, Wu GJ* and Li HQ * Reassessment of the FourYield-related Genes Gn1a, DEP1,GS3, and IPA1 in Rice Using a CRISPR/Cas9 System Frontiers in Plant Science 2016 7: 377 -
Qin SS, Tang YH, Chen YP, Wu PZ, Li MR, Wu GJ and Jiang HW* Overexpression of the Starch Phosphorylase-Like Gene (PHO3) in Lotus japonicus has a Profound Effect on the Growth of Plants and Reduction of Transitory Starch Accumulation Frontiers in Plant Science 2016 7: 1315 -
Tang YH., Qin SS., Guo YL., Chen YB., Wu PZ., Chen YP., Li MR., Jiang HW and Wu GJ* Genome-Wide Analysis of the AP2/ERF Gene Family in Physic Nut and Overexpression of the JcERF011 Gene in Rice Increased Its Sensitivity to Salinity Stress PLOS ONE 2016 11e0150879 Chen YP, Chen W, Li XL, Jiang HW, Wu PZ, Xia KF, Yang YL, and Wu GJ *. Knockdown of LjIPT3 influences nodule development in Lotus japonicus. Plant Cell Physiol, 2014 55: 183-193. -
Xiong WD, Xu XQ, Zhang L, Wu PZ, Chen YP, Li MR, Jiang HW, Wu GJ*. Genome-wide analysis of the WRKY gene family in physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.). Gene, 2013 524: 124–132. -
Wu PZ, Zhang S, Zhang L, Chen YP, Li MR, Jiang HW, Wu GJ*. Functional characterization of two microsomal fatty acid desaturases from Jatropha curcas L. J Plant Physiol, 2013 170: 1360-1366. -
Rong H, Tang YY, Zhang H, Wu PZ, Chen YP, Li MR, Wu GJ, Jiang HW. The Stay-Green Rice like (SGRL) gene regulates chlorophyll degradation in rice. J Plant Physiol, 2013 170: 1367-1373. -
. Hakoyama T, Oi R, Hazuma K, Suga E, Adachi Y, Kobayashi M, Akai R, Sato S, Fukai E, Tabata S, Shibata S, Wu GJ, Hase Y, Tanaka A, Kawaguchi M, Kouchi H, Umehara Y and Suganuma N The SNARE Protein SYP71 Expressed in Vascular Tissues is Involved in Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in Lotus japonicus Nodules. Plant Physiol 2012, 897–905. -
Xu J, Li MR, Chen L, Wu GJ and Li Hongqing Rapid generation of rice mutants via the dominant negative suppression of the mismatch repair protein OsPMS1Theor Appl Genet. 2012 125:975-86. -
Jiang HW, Wu PZ, Zhang S, Song C, Chen YP, Li MR, Jia YX, Fang XH , Chen F and Wu GJ* Global Analysis of Gene Expression Profiles in Physic Nut (Jatropha curcas L.) Developing Seeds. PloS ONE 2012, 7 e36522. -
Wei Q, Li J, Zhang L, Wu PZ, Chen YP, Li MR, Jiang HW and Wu GJ* 2012. Cloning and characterization of a β-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase II from Jatropha curcas. Journal of Plant Physiology 169 816– 824. -
Li MR, Li Y, Li HQ, Wu GJ*. Improvement of paper mulberry tolerance to abiotic stresses by ectopic expression of tall fescue FaDREB1 Tree Physiol 2012 32(1): 104-113. -
Li MR, Li Y, Li HQ, Wu GJ*. Ectopic Expression of FaDREB2 Enhances Osmotic Tolerance in Paper Mulberry Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2011 53(12): 951-960. -
Zhang SJ, Liu N, Sheng AW, Ma GH, Wu GJ*. Direct and callus-mediated regeneration of Curcuma soloensis Valeton (Zingiberaceae) and ex vitro performance of regenerated plants 2011 Scientia Horticulturae. 2011 130: 899–905. -
Li MR, Lin XJ, Li HQ, Pan XP, Wu GJ*. Overexpression of AtNHX5 improves tolerance to both saltand and water stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.) Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult 2011 107:283–293. -
Tang YN, Li MR, Chen, YP , Wu PZ, Wu GJ and Jiang HW. Knockdown of OsPAO and OsRCCR1 cause different plant death phenotypes in rice. Journal of Plant Physiology 2011 168(16):1952-9. -
Jiang HW, Chen, YP, Li MR, Xu XL, Wu GJ*. Overexpression of SGR results in oxidative stress and a lesion-mimic cell death in rice seedlings. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2011, 53 (5): 375–387. -
Li MR, Li HQ, Hu XY, Pan XP, Wu GJ*. Genetic transformation and overexpression of a rice Hd3a induces early flowering in Saussurea involucrata Kar. et Kir. ex Maxim Plant Cell, Tissue & Organ Culture. 2011 106:363–371. -
Li MR, Li Y, Li HQ, Wu GJ*. Overexpression of AtNHX5 improves tolerance to both salt and drought stress in Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) Vent. Tree Physiology. 2011 31, 349–357. -
Zhang SJ, Liu N, Sheng AW, Ma GH, Wu GJ*. In vitro plant regeneration from organogenic callus of Curcuma kwangsiensis Lindl. (Zingiberaceae) Plant Growth Regul 2011 64:141–145. -
Ma GH, Jaime A. ,Teixeira da Silva, Wu GJ. Direct Adventitious Shoot Formation from Apical Shoot Explants of Euphorbia tirucalli. J Plant Growth Regul. 2011 30:114–116. -
Wu M, Wu P, Xie HH, Wu GJ, Wei XY. Monoterpenoid Indole Alkaloids Mediating DNA Strand Scission from Turpinia arguta. Planta Med. 2011 77: 284-6. -
Miyazawa H, Oka-Kira E, Sato N, Takahashi H, Wu GJ, Sato S, Hayashi M, Betsuyaku, S, Nakazono M, Tabata S, Harada K, Sawa S, Fukuda H and Kawaguchi M. A receptor-like kinase, KLAVIER, mediates systemic regulation of nodulation and non-symbiotic shoot development in Lotus japonicus. Development. 2010,137, 4317-4325. -
Cai Y, Sun DK, Wu GJ, Peng JH. ISSR-based genetic diversity of Jatropha curcas germplasm in China. Biomass and Bioenergy. 2010, 34: 1739-1750 -
Yang ZY, Tang L, Li MR, Chen L, Xua J, Wu GJ, Li HQ. Monitoring homologous recombination in rice (Oryza sativa L.).Mutation Research .2010, 691:55–63. -
Li MR, Li HQ, Hu XY, Pan XP, Wu GJ*.An Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation system using callus of Zoysia tenuifolia Willd. ex Trin. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult.2010,102:321–327 -
Liu Y, Chen H, Zhuang DF, Jiang D, Liu J, Wu GJ, Yang MF, Shen SH.Chrarcterization of a dre-binding transcription factor from Asparagus (Asparagus Officinalis L.) and its overexpression in Arabidopsis resulting in salt- and drought-resistant transgenic plants. Int. J. Plant Sci. 2010,171 (1):12–23. -
Pan XX Tang YY Li MR Wu GJ and Jiang HW. Isoforms of GBSSI and SSII in four legumes and their phylogenetic relationship to their orthologs from other angiosperms. J Mol Evol. 2009, 69: 625-634. -
Wu PZ, Li J, Wei Q, Zeng L, Chen YP, Li MR, Jiang HW and Wu GJ*. Cloning and functional characterization of an acyl-acyl carrier protein thioesterase (JcFATB1) from Jatropha curcas. Tree Physiology. 2009, 29(10):1299-305. -
Yan HB, Pan XX, Jiang HW, Wu GJ*. Comparison of the starch synthesis genes between maize and rice: copies, chromosome location and expression divergence. Theor Appl Genet .2009, 119:815–825. -
Yan HB, Jiang HW, Pan XX, Li MR, Chen YP and Wu GJ*. The gene encoding starch synthase IIc exists in maize and wheat. Plant Science. 2009, 176: 51–57. -
Sun QB, Li LF, Li Y, Wu GJ and Ge XJ. SSR and AFLP markers reveal low genetic diversity in the biofuel plant Jatropha curcas in China. Crop Sci. 2008, 48: 1865-1871. -
Li MR, Li HQ, Jiang HW and Wu GJ*. Establishment of a highly efficient Agrobacteriuim-mediated leaf disc transformation method for Broussonetia papyrifera. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult. 2008, 93:249–255. -
Shi LY, Li HQ, Pan XP, Wu GJ and Li MR. Improvement of Torenia fournieri salinity tolerance by expression of Arabidopsis AtNHX5. Funct. Plant Biol. 2008, 35, 185-192. -
Li J, Li MR, Wu PZ, Tian CE, Jiang HW and Wu GJ*. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of a gene encoding a putative β-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) synthase III (KAS III) from Jatropha curcas. Tree Physiology. 2008, 28:921–927. -
Li MR, Li HQ, Jiang HW and Wu GJ*. Establishment of an Agrobacteriuim-mediated Cotyledon Disc Transformation Method for Jatropha curcas. Plant Cell Tiss. Org. Cult. 2008, 92:173–181. -
Chen YP, Xing LP, Wu GJ, Wang HZ, Wang XE, Cao AZ, and Chen PD. Plastidial glutathione reductase from Haynaldia villosa is an enhancer of powdery mildew resistance in wheat (Triticum aestivum) Plant Cell Physiol. 2007,48(12): 1702–1712. -
Liu HF, Kirchoff BK, Wu GJ and Liao JP. Microsporogenesis and male gametogenesis in Jatropha curcas L. The journal of Torrey Botanic Society. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society. 2007, 134(3): 335–343. -
Jiang HW, Li MR, Liang NT, Yan HB, Wei YB, Xu XL, Liu JL, Xu ZF, Chen Fan and Wu GJ*. Molecular cloning and function analysis of stay green gene in rice. The Plant Journal. 2007, 52, 197–209. -
Ma GH, Wu GJ and Bunn E. Somatic embryogenesis and adventitious shoot formation of an energy plant Burma reed (Neyraudia arundinacea Henr.). In vitro cellular and developmental biology-Plant. 2007, 43 (1): 16-20. -
Ma GH, Bunn E, Zhang JF and Wu GJ. Evidence of Dichogamy in Santalum album L.Journal of Integrative. Plant Biology. 2006, 48: 300-306. -
Ma GH and Wu GJ. Direct shoot organogenesis from cotyletons of Ochnaintegerrima (Lour.) Merrill. Propagation of Ornamental Plant. 2006, 6: 145–148. -
FAN SG * and WU GJ Characteristics of plant proteinase inhibitors and their applications in combating phytophagous insects Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. (2005) 46: 273-292 -
Imaizumi-Anraku H, Takeda N, Charpentier M, Perry J, Miwa H, Umehara Y, Kouchi H, Murakami Y, Mulder L, Vickers K, Pike J, Downie A, Wang T, Sato S, Asamizu E, Tabata S, Yoshikawa M, Murooka Y, Wu GJ, Kawaguchi M, Kawasaki S, Parniske M and Hayashi M. The plastid as a check point for symbiotic fungal and bacterial entry into plant roots. Nature. 2005, 433: 527 – 531. -
Kouchi H, Shimomura K, Hata S, Hirota A, Wu GJ, Kumagai H, Tajima S, Suganuma N, Suzuki A, Aoki T, Hayashi M, Yokoyama T, Ohyama T, Asamizu E, Kuwata C, Shibata D, and Tabata S. Large-sscale analysis of gene expression profiles during early stages of root nodule formation in a model legume, Lotus japonicus. DNA. Research. 2004 11: 263–274. -
Nishimura R, Hayashi M, Wu GJ, Kouchi H, Imaizumi-Anraku H, Murakami Y, Kawasaki S, Akao S, Ohmori M, Ngasawa M, Harada K and Kawaguchi M. HAR1 mediates systemic regulation of symbiotic organ development. Nature 2002 420: 426-429(co-first author). -
Yukihisa Shimada, Wu GJ and Akira Watanabe. Screening of cDNA Clones for Plastid-targeted Proteins. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter. 1998, 16(2):199-209. -
Yukihisa Shimada, Wu GJ and Akira Watanabe. A Protein Encoded by din1, a Dark-Inducible and Senescence-Associated Gene of Radish, Can Be Imported by Isolated Chloroplasts and Has Sequence Similarity to Sulfide Dehydrogenase and Other Small Stress Proteins. Plant Cell Physiol. 1998, 39(2):139-143. -
Wu GJ and Akira Watanabe. Import of Modified D1 Protein and its Assembly into Photosystem II by Isolated Chloroplasts. Plant Cell Physiol. 1997, 38(3):243-247. | |