Details of the Faculty or staff Name | Wang Changhu | Email | |  | Post | | Job Title | Associate Professor | Highest Education | Ph. D | Office | South China Botanical Garden, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Xingke Road #723, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 510650, China | Tel: | 8620-37083316 | Zip code | 510650 | Academic Education & Work Career | Dr. Wang (Changhu Wang) received his M.S. from Lanzhou University in 1997 and his Ph.D from South China Botanical Garden, the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2005. After postdoctoral research at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture(CIAT)from 2005-2007, he returned to SCBG in July 2008. | Research Interest | Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | | Supported Projects | 1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (31271701); 2. Ministry of Science and Technology of China (2016YFD0101904); 3. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation(OPPGD1483). | Honors: | | Publication | - Changhu Wang, Weili Guo, Xingzhe Cai, Ruyu Li, David W. Ow. 2019. Engineering low-cadmium rice through stress-inducible expression of OXS3-family member genes. New Biotechnology,48:29-34.
- Changhu Wang, Weili Guo, Shan Ye, Pengcheng Wei, David W. Ow. 2016. Reduction of Cd in rice through expression of OXS3-like gene fragments. Molecular Plant, 9,301-304.
- Changhu Wang, Lentini Z, Tabares E, Quintero M, Ceballos H, Dedicova B, Sautter C, Olaya C, Zhang P. 2011. Microsporogenesis and pollen formation in cassava. Biologia Plantarum, 55(3), 469-478.
- Changhu Wang, Peng Zhang, Zhenrong Ma, Mingyong Zhang, Guchou Sun, Dinghou Ling. 2005. Development of a genetic marker linked to a new thermo-sensitive male sterile gene in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Euphytica, 140 (3), 217-222. (
- Guozhang Kang, Changhu Wang, Guchou Sun, Zhengxun Wang. 2003. Salicylic acid changes activities of H2O2-metabolizing enzymes and increases the chilling-tolerance of banana seedlings. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 50, 9-15.
- 王昌虎,马镇荣,张明永等. 水稻温敏核不育突变体0A15-1的育性表现及遗传学研究.热带亚热带植物学报,2004,12(4):331-336.
- 马镇荣,刘卫,王昌虎等. 2003. 香根草体细胞胚胎发生的细胞学特点与形成条件. 生态学报, 23(7),1290-1296.
- 马镇荣, 王昌虎, 刘卫等. 2002. 具野稻细胞质的胞质型雄性不育系的体细胞克隆变异II.体细胞克隆温敏核不育突变. 热带亚热带植物学报,10(4),313-320.
- 马镇荣, 凌定厚,王昌虎等. 2002. 具野稻细胞质的胞质型雄性不育系的体细胞克隆变异 I.IR66707A及IR69700A体细胞克隆变异的类型. 热带亚热带植物学报,10(2), 152-160.
- 王昌虎,马镇荣,刘卫等. 2001. 应用正交设计方法优化香蕉外植体直接出芽的条件. 热带亚热带植物学报,9(1), 69-74.
- 马镇荣,凌定厚,王昌虎. 2000. 花药培养对籼稻两用核不育系培矮64S的提纯与改良 热带亚热带植物学报,8(4), 308-314.
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