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姓 名: 姜华武 性 别:
职 务:   职 称: 研究员
学 历: 博士 通讯地址: 广东省广州市天河区兴科路723号
电 话: 020-37252590 邮政编码: 510650
传 真:   电子邮件: hwjiang@scib.ac.cn


2002年9月-2004年10月, 浙江大学生命科学学院,博士后。

1999年9月- 2002年7月,浙江大学生命科学学院,博士研究生。





1.   973 项目“重要热带作物木薯品种改良的基础研究” ,编号: 2010CB1266002010-2015,经费:220/2900  姜华武,李美茹 核心成员。 

2.   国家自然科学基金项目《水稻永绿色基因的次生效应与作用机理研究》(30770174),负责人。

3. 863”项目《水稻叶绿素降解相关基因SG的分子生化机制与病程反应相关性研究》(2006AA10Z163),项目副组长。 

4.   中国科学院院知识创新工程重要方向项目《能源植物筛选评价与小桐子规模化种植关键技术研究》(KSCX2-YW-G-027-3, 2006-2009)专题主持。

5.   中国科学院院知识创新工程重要方向项目《麻疯树/木薯重要性状形成机制及新种质创制》(KSCX2-YW-G-0352008-2010),专题主持。


1. 湖北省科技进步三等奖(自然科学类)一项(2006年度,排名5/5)。 

2. 浙江省科技进步一等奖(自然科学类)一项(2005年度,排名4/7)。


 1.        YP Chen, SM Xu, L Tian, LR Liu, MC Huang, XL Xu, GY Song, PZ Wu, SS Sato, HW Jiang, GJ Wu#. The LjLAZY3 gene plays a distinct role in the positive root gravitropism in Lotus japonicus. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2019, erz429, https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erz429

2.        YH Yin, L Tian, XL Li, MC Huang, LR Liu, PZ Wu, MR Li, HW Jiang, GJ Wu, YP Chen#. The role of endogenous thiamine produced via THIC in root nodule symbiosis in Lotus japonicus. Plant Science. 2019, 283:311-320. 

3.        Hui WK, Wang Y, Chen XY*, Mohamed ZZ and Wu GJ* Analysis of Transcriptional Responses of the Inflorescence Meristems in Jatropha curcasFollowing Gibberellin Treatment Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 432;

4.        Hui, WK, Wang, Y, Yan, SJ, Shi, JF, Huang, WJ, Zayed, MZ, Peng, CC, Chen, XY and Wu, GJ*  Simultaneous analysis of endogenous plant growth substances during floral sex differentiation in Jatropha curcas L. using HPLC-ESI-MS/MS SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE 2018: 241 209-217 

5.        Chen, YB, Wu, PZ , Zhao, QQ , Tang, YH, Chen, YP , Li, MR, Jiang, HW and Wu, GJ* Overexpression of a Phosphate Starvation Response AP2/ERF Gene From Physic Nut in Arabidopsis Alters Root Morphological Traits and Phosphate Starvation-Induced Anthocyanin Accumulation 2018 FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 9 No: 1186

6.        Chen Y, Li F, Tian L, Huang M, Deng R, Li X, Chen W, Wu P, Li M, Jiang H, Wu G*. 2017. The phenylalanine ammonia lyase gene ljpal1 is involved in plant defense responses to pathogens and plays diverse roles in Lotus japonicus-Rhizobium symbioses. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 30(9):739-753

7.        Kuang Q, Zhang S, Wu P, Chen Y, Li M, Jiang H, Wu G*. 2017. Global gene expression analysis of the response of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) to medium- and long-term nitrogen deficiency. PLoS One. 12(8):e0182700.9

8.        Tian L, Liu L, Yin Y, Huang M, Chen Y, Xu X, Wu P, Li M, Wu G, Jiang H, Chen Y*. 2017. Heterogeneity in the expression and subcellular localization of POLYOL/MONOSACCHARIDE TRANSPORTER genes in Lotus japonicus. PLoS One. 12(9):e0185269.

9.        Xiong W, Wei Q, Wu P, Zhang S, Li J, Chen Y, Li M, Jiang H, Wu G*. 2017. Molecular cloning and characterization of two β-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase I genes from Jatropha curcas L. J Plant Physiol. 214:152-160.

10.    Xiong, WD., Wu, PZ., Jia, YX ,. Wei, XY ., Xu, LX ., Yang, YF., Qiu, DY., Chen, YP., Li, MR., Jiang, HW and Wu, GJ* Genome-wide analysis of the terpene synthase gene family in physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) and functional identification of six terpene synthases Tree Genetics & Genomes 2016 12: 97

11.    Qin SS, Tang YH, Chen YP, Wu PZ, Li MR, Wu GJ and Jiang HW* Overexpression of the Starch Phosphorylase-Like Gene (PHO3) in Lotus japonicus has a Profound Effect on the Growth of Plants and Reduction of Transitory Starch Accumulation Frontiers in Plant Science 2016 7: 1315

12.    Tang YH., Qin SS., Guo YL., Chen YB., Wu PZ., Chen YP., Li MR., Jiang HW and Wu GJ* Genome-Wide Analysis of the AP2/ERF Gene Family in Physic Nut and Overexpression of the JcERF011 Gene in Rice Increased Its Sensitivity to Salinity Stress  PLOS ONE 2016 11e0150879

13.    Wu ZY., Xu XQ., Xiong YD., Wu PZ., Chen YP., Li MR., Wu GJ and Jiang HW* Genome-Wide Analysis of the NAC Gene Family in Physic Nut (Jatropha curcas L.)  PLOS ONE 2015 DOI: 10.1371

14.    Zhou CP., Chen YB., Wu ZY., Lu WJ., Han JL., Wu PZ., Chen YP., Li MR., Jiang HW and Wu GJ* Genome-wide analysis of the MYB gene family in physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) Gene 2015

15.    Pingzhi Wu et al Integrated genome sequence and linkage map of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.), a biodiesel plant Plant J 2015 810–821

16.    Zhang C, Zhang L, Zhang S, Zhu S, Wu PZ, Chen YP, Li MR, Jiang HW, Wu GJ* Global analysis of gene expression profiles in physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) seedlings exposed to drought stress BMC Plant Biology 2015, 15:17

17.    Chen W , Li XL, Tian L, Wu PZ., Li MR., Jiang HW, Chen YP* and Wu GJ Knockdown of LjALD1, AGD2-like defense response protein 1, influences plant growth and nodulation in Lotus japonicus  Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2014 56 1034–1041

18.    Zhang L., Zhang C., Wu PZ., Chen YP, Li MR, Jiang HW and Wu GJ * Global Analysis of Gene Expression Profiles in Physic Nut (Jatropha curcas L.) Seedlings Exposed to Salt Stress PLoS ONE 2014 9(5): e97878

19.    Chen YP, Chen W, Li XL, Jiang HW, Wu PZ, Xia KF, Yang YL, and Wu GJ * Endogenous cytokinins influence nodule development in Lotus japonicus  Plant Cell Physiol 2014 183-193

20.    Rong H, Tang YY, Zhang H, Wu PZ, Chen YP, Li MR, Wu GJ, Jiang HW* (2013) The Stay-Green Rice like (SGRL) gene regulates chlorophyll degradation in rice. J Plant Physiol. 2013 170: 1367-1373.

21.    Xiong WD, Xu XQ, Zhang L, Wu PZ, Chen YP, Li MR, Jiang HW, Wu GJ (2013) Genome-wide analysis of the WRKY gene family in physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.). Gene, 2013 524: 124–132.

22.    Wu PZ, Zhang S, Zhang L, Chen YP, Li MR, Jiang HW, Wu GJ (2013) Functional characterization of two microsomal fatty acid desaturases from Jatropha curcas L. J Plant Physiol.170: 1360-1366.

23.    Jiang H, Wu P, Zhang S, Song C, Chen Y, Li M, Jia Y, Fang X, Chen F, Wu G (2012) Global analysis of gene expression profiles in developing physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) seeds. PLoS One. 7: e36522.

24.    Tang Y, Li M. Chen Y, Wu P, Wu G, Jiang H*(2011) Knockdown of OsPAO and OsRCCR1 cause different plant death phenotypes in rice. J Plant Physiol. 168: 1952–1959.

25.    Jiang H, Chen Y, Li M, Xu X, Wu G (2011Overexpression of SGR results in oxidative stress and lesion-mimic cell death in rice seedlings. J Integrative Plant Biol. 53: 375–387

26.    Pan X, Yan H, Li M, Wu G, Jiang H* (2011) Evolution of the genes encoding starch synthase in sorghum and come wheat. Mol Plant Breed. 2 (9), 60–67.

27.    Pan X, Tang Y, Li M, Wu G, Jiang H* (2009) Isoforms of GBSSI and SSII in four legumes and their phylogenetic relationship to their orthologs from other angiosperms. J Mol Evol. 69: 625–634.

28.    Yan H, Jiang H, Pan X, Li M, Chen Y, Wu G (2009) The gene encoding starch synthase IIc exists in maize and wheat. Plant Sci. 176: 51–57.

29.    Yan H, Pan X, Jiang H*, Wu G (2009) Comparison of the starch synthesis genes between maize and rice: copies, chromosome location and expression divergence. Theor Appl Genet. 119: 815–825.

30.    Jiang H, Li M, Liang N, Yan H, Wei Y, Xu X, Liu J, Xu Z. Chen F, Wu G (2007) Molecular cloning and function analysis of stay green gene in rice. Plant J. 57: 197–209.

31.    Jiang H, Wang S, Dang L, Wang S, Chen H, Wu Y, Jiang X, Wu P (2005) A novel short-root gene encodes a glucosamine-6-phosphate acetyltransferase required for maintaining normal root cell shape in rice. Plant Physiol. 138: 232–242.

32.    Dian W, Jiang H, Wu P (2005) Expression and evolution analysis of starch synthase III and IV genes in rice. J Exp Bot. 56: 623–632.

33.    Jiang H, Dian W, Liu F, Wu P (2004). Molecular cloning and expression analysis of three genes encoding starch synthase II in rice. Planta. 218: 1062–1070.

34.    Jiang H, Dian W, Liu F, Wu P (2003) Isolation and characterization of two fructokinase genes in rice. Phytochemistry. 62: 47–52.

35.    Jiang H, Dian W, Wu P (2003) Effect of high temperature on fine structure of amylopectin in rice endosperm by reducing the activity of RBE. Phytochemistry. 63: 53–59.

36.    Dian W, Jiang H, Chen Q, Liu F, Wu P (2003) Cloning and characterization of the granule-bound starch synthase II gene in rice: gene expression is regulated by the nitrogen level, sugar and circadian rhythm. Planta. 218: 261–268.


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