

  As sessile organism, plants have to adapt to a plethora of environmental stresses during development. Albeit the importance of vesicle trafficking and organelle function in plant development have been recognized, their functional roles during stress response remain largely elusive. Our lab has been focused on how different abiotic stresses (salinity, drought, nutrient deprivation, etc.) regulate the vesicle trafficking and organelle biogenesis for plant stress adaptations in the past few years. In future, we will focus on:

  (1) Abiotic stresses regulate vesicle/organelle biogenesis in plants/crops

  (2) Crosstalk between abiotic stresses and selective autophagy in plants/crops

  (3) Protein storage vacuole biogenesis and storage protein trafficking in soybean

  (4) Organelle biogenesis and function in sugarcane